how unsteady or steady are you?

Unsteady. I keep moving around and my emotions change often. nothing feels very consistent. I don't think this is either good or bad. but definitely unsteady. trying a lot of things out, like guess and check. I feel like I'm under construction.
As an older person-age 85-I feel reasonably “steady”. I am healthy, can afford my life, have a great marriage and remain active with various projects, both personal and volunteer. My wife and I are blessed with 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I feel lucky not to be a millenial!
Steady. I feel like I have a plan I’m just always asking myself if I’m happy. Like with who I am not with what I’m doing, if that makes sense.
Unsteady, my emotions and thus thoughts are highly flexible in relation to how comfortable I am in different situations
Steady. Seven years as a widow with eight kids, learning to keep focus on my eight children, animals, home, and now PT to restrengthen my body after several major fractures, injuries related to my parents’ & siblings disinheriting me and evicting from our co owned promised inherited home which was supposed to come with a trust fund and all expenses paid. In fact no home now and no expenses paid. My late husband left me high and dry after 25 years married, monogamous(I was).
Unsteady. Life sux. But it’s kinda great. But it sux. And than it’s funny. But it also sux. But there’s too much magic everywhere.
I feel steady, for the first time in a while! Not sure what my future looks like, but I’ve finally come to terms with where I’m at now, and I’m okay with that.
Honestly, some days it's a bit of both. There are days where I'll be somewhat depressed and fearful because of what the world is turning into. Hate, racism, bigotry, unnecessary violence.... But then there are days where I'm happy cause I remind myself there are people who so kind hearted, that you wouldn't think they're human in a spiritual sense, but something more divine. Rome wasn't built in a day, the same can be said about fixing our world. I hope this answers your question, because I was so confused on how to go about this.
i feel steady in the fact that I'm at college and doing fine. But I'm questioning my passions and career path.
Steady, I have a consistent schedule, friends and source of income
Unsteady. I started an antidepressant about 5 weeks ago, and I am currently experiencing a lot of side effects.
Unsteady. I feel unsteady when I don’t know what I want and am also not able to find peace with that uncertainty. When I feel steady, it’s because I know what I want and I’m working towards it or I can find peace with that uncertainty.
Unsteady, for sure. I think it’s a combo of not having a clear goal/plan/path for my life, career or relationship or even interest wise, and also the chaos of the world. I am not good at separating the global crisis from my personal life experience, which is tiring.
Steady, things are confusing but the overall direction I’m heading in seems to be pretty steady
Hi! I’m not quite sure what this question means. If I had to say, I think I would go with unsteady because I think that’s the nature of life (though maybe that’s my anxiety speaking.) but in all honesty, I choose not to believe in fate/destiny/predetermination, and I think that life is absurd. Whether this is a question about how “happy” I am, or how “secure” I feel, I guess then the answers would differ. Right now, I think I’m happier than other days. As for the latter, I don’t know if security is something I’ve felt since I reached a certain level of awareness. Unsteady I think is the way it is.
i feel steady. Having school as a constant structure to my week helps. I am not experiencing enough consecutive drastic changes in my life, so things seem spaced out enough that I get the illusion of stability.
Unsteady, because I’m unsure of my career path and where life will exactly take me.
Steady but in a monotonous way like everything’s the same and i’m bored and gonna burn out soon and then i’m gonna want some extreme change so maybe unsteady ?
Steady for the most part. I’ve just achieved a major goal I set for myself. But already, im stressing about working towards my next goal and the cycle is exhausting/discouraging
Very unsteady. A lot of changes are happening and the future is unclear. Taking life step by step is exhausting and leaves me uneasy.
Unsteady because of a lack of concrete career opportunities and a sense of loss direction.
Unsteady, currently I am an undergraduate student with a half time job, debt is piling up, I have many health concerns that I can't address due to lack of health insurance, and I can't build a savings for myself because of petty expenses that must be paid.
Steady, I have a firm faith that the substance of my life is governed by God (Love) and I reflect Love. This idea steadies me.
My life is steady in the sense that I have not been stressing about my basic needs. I have no worries about food, shelter, water or community. I feel unsteady sometimes because stresses and deadlines pull my body and mind into different extreme situations of high energy and exhaustion.
Relatively steady, as steady as someone who took the unconventional path/is “chasing the dream” as opposed to going thru med school or something of the sort. My parents are not really people I can turn to and “ask for money,” so that’s taught me to be a lot more self reliant (though legal pot and music helps a lot with the parental issues - two of the northwest’s saving graces).
Both! I feel confident that things will work out, but being a busy creative business owner, everything always feels like it must change and evolve constantly, which brings that confidence but also constant unsteadiness. And thinking beyond myself, everything in the world, with people and with the planet, always feels similar. The earth and the universe feels constant and steady, but also completely unsteady and unpredictable. I think my own emotions and other factors in my personal my life deeply affect my everchanging perception of steadiness or unsteadiness, on a day to day or minute to minute basis.
i feel unsteady because although I think i’m doing what I love, this school may not be the right place for it. I am changing as quickly as everyone around me and sometimes that’s unsettling and lonely.
Steadily unsteady. I feel grounded and centered and driven, but never know what the next day is going to bring especially re-work and income. Freelance lifestyle. Finances are continuously a tricky business.
Steady. Although there are certain things happening in my life right now that might seem unsteady, I feel balanced and have faith in the universe that all things will go as they are meant to.
Hi I’d say i feel steady because I’m in a very happy relationship and recently got rid of toxic and negative people in my life. So im very content with all my friends and family currently!
Unsteady. I spend most of my time at work and have a lot of projects id like to finish and it makes me uneasy knowing they are not done. On the other hand, i need money to finish them and do things so i feel trapped.
I’m answering again because I regret my first answer. I sort of feel like I’m floating, not in a steady or unsteady way. Sometimes I feel like I see things from outside of myself and it makes me feel unsteady, but also reassuring that I can step outside of the body I was put in. There are certain things that will always make me feel steady. And there are certain things that will always make me feel unsteady. I don’t think feeling unsteady is always a bad thing, because it means I’m being challenged. I prefer to feel unsteady— it reminds me I’m alive.
Unsteady bc me n my boyf haven’t smashed in 3 days >:o
Unsteady because I'm stressed about not getting an internship this summer and i need to figure out when I’m flying back before tickets get too expensive.
i feel unsteady quite often in my life these days. Too many things are on my plate/mind for me to balance comfortably and I don’t know what to do to find equilibrium (being the libra I am). I’m finding ways to compensate for things that are out of my control though, which is helping me have more time to focus on the real shit. Xoxo P.s. hope that made sense I’m pretty high rn.
Idk I feel steady when I play soccer I feel unsteady when I do any kind of a school work
i feel steady in terms of knowing who I am and being comfortable with myself, but in life right now I feel unsteady because I do not know what I want to do or what my purpose is.
I’m realizing what I want to do with my life and opportunities are starting to build.
Unsteady, but stabilizing. Very slowly though. Though a recent move would keep me from stagnation, and it did change things up but quickly I have trouble finding any sort of stability now, and this chaotic kind of stagnation started setting in. Losing a source of income adds to the uncertainty of the near future. Even trying to stabilize is a wobbly task.
i feel steady that I am where I need to be — and I feel that I can just focus on my day to day. The future feels hazy, I know it is I want to do in a sense but not clearly and sometimes I feel unsteady on whether or not I am taking the steps to be the person that I want to be. I’m constantly changing and the answer I’m giving right now may change in a matter of days so I guess maybe nothing is steady really...So to simply put it, my desire to be happy and satisfied is steady, but my focus and ways of achieving that is constantly changing.
In my life, currently, I feel unsteady. I feel like there are so many things in my life that are uncertain. I feel very conflicted in several different areas of my life and I’m not quite sure on how to be at peace with the things that are going on. However, I feel like I am on the brink of something really good about to happen. Even though I feel so unsteady in life, I’m extremely grateful for the people in my life who make life feel less unsteady, make my life worth living, and are patient and loving and supportive to me. I’m on a very special path in my life and I’m excited for the things to come.
I’ve felt a mix of both steady and unsteady in certain aspects of my life a lot this past year. The last couple of months I’ve had minor health issues which have forced me to let go a lot more than I’m used to and just accept that I’m not in control of everything. Graduating from high school also put me in a weird spot because during senior year I wanted nothing more than to get out. Once I started the life I had wanted for so long, I felt a freedom that was so new for me and it was overwhelming. It took a lot for me to finally be at peace with the fact that I was doing something that not everyone does for college (living at home and getting my degree online). But once I got to that point, life became more steady for me. Right now, life is feeling steady for the most part. I’m halfway through the semester at school and I’ve hit a rhythm that’s working for me.
i feel steady because I have a secure job and I think that’s what’s important in the adult world, but I’m also confident I’ll make the right choices in other aspects of my life.
i feel steady but overwhelmed. i have to spread myself pretty thin in order to accomplish everything i want to and sometimes things slip through the cracks.
Steady without doubt. The love I feel on a daily basis makes me feel grounded, happy, and ultimately, satisfied and steady. Having a decent job that provides consistency and ongoing income (above and beyond what I NEED to survive) has also made me feel steadier than ever.
i feel steady because i’m finally self sufficient! It’s hard but it feels good to know I’m capable of taking care of me in all the ways.